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  • Writer's pictureKatie Finch

Why Practice Posing a Rabbit

We spent a while this afternoon practicing with our rabbits the "art of posing." It may seems silly practicing with a rabbit something as "simple" as sitting still, but as evidenced below, an unposed rabbit looks drastically different when posed. Meet "White Liar," our 4-month-old Jr REW mini lop doe. She doesn't much care for the sitting still and looking pretty business - she'd much rather wander her environment and explore, the way any young adolescent would. You'll see her posed photo under our "Does and Bucks" tab under "More."

Practicing the posing is important because come show time, the judge isn't going to want to mess with a finicky rabbit. Plus, not posing properly may create the illusion that she is flawed, when in reality she is not. (Except for her coat at the moment - she's in a molt and therefore "blowing out."). An added benefit to the practice is more hands-on time with the bunny, resulting in a closer bond with the handler and a establishing a higher level of trust for the rabbit.

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